Warm Bodies ~ Isaac Marion (Warm Bodies #1)
The world has been distilled. Being dead is easy.
This is a fantastic book. I watched the movie first because I thought it looked funny and now it's one of my favorite films. I decided to read the book, because as the old adage goes, "The book is always better than the movie."
Oh how that's true.
This humanized (quite literally) the zombies and their plight, while making epic comparisons to the state of survival versus living. What does it mean to be alive? What does it mean to be undead?
This book is so much more than a Romeo and Juliet zombie drama. This is so much more than the Twilight with zombies. It's about how love is what makes us human, sometimes quite liteRally.
"You should always be taking pictures, if not with a camera then with your mind. Memories you capture on purpose are always more vivid than the ones you pick up by accident."
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