Breaking Dawn ~ Stephenie Meyer (Twilight #4)
The resemblance is uncanny.
I found this final installment to be the best written one but also the most mind-numbingly boring, which is especially disappointing when both halves of the movie version are my favorite in the franchise. It did not have to be nearly as long as it was. The so-called climax was one of the most anticlimactic things I've ever read. Too much talking!
Some of my dislike of this book stems from the entire part dedicated to Jacob's perspective. I've made it fairly clear that I'm about as far away from a Team Jacob supporter as one can be (#TeamMikeNewton all the way #AllMericanBoi) and his whiny, entitled, douchebag POV only solidified that. He literally runs around crying because a MARRIED WOMAN who is his CLOSEST FRIEND wants him to be near her AS SHE DIES without making out with him!!!!!!
I just love Marcus aka Handsome Squidward. He's the unsung hero of the Volturi. He's just so utterly miserable (honestly same) and I love it.
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